4-Step Checklist for a Profitable Website
A pretty website isn’t enough. You need a profitable website.
To make that happen, you need to get clear on the “who, what, and why” of your site before you design it. This 4-step checklist will get you there.
Squarespace vs. WordPress for Small Business
Trying to decide which platform is best for your small business? The Squarespace vs. WordPress debate is not new. Trying to sift through what’s important and what’s not can be overwhelming. No platform is all things to everyone, but I’ve worked with both and have my opinions.
ChatGPT for Interior Designers and Architects
I tried out ChatGPT, and I’m sharing my thoughts on how it can help interior designers and architects with marketing and copywriting for design business. Check it out!
Add Social Share Buttons To Squarespace 7.1 Blog
If you are blogging on Squarespace 7.1 and want social sharing buttons to appear on your posts, you can add them using a free 3rd party app. I’ll show you how to install and style AddThis Inline Social Share buttons. It was user-friendly to both install and style. I also have a hack to add the buttons to ALL your blog posts at once as well as a code tweak to center justify your buttons.
How Blogging Helps Interior Design Businesses
If you’re an architect or interior designer, you may have heard how blogging can be a huge help to a design business but might be unsure of why or how. By blogging strategically and funneling traffic toward your design services, then its possible to see a significant uptick in client bookings and revenue growth. So let’s dive into the nuts and bolts of blogging for design business growth.