Instagram vs. Google - What's Best for Finding Interior Design Clients?
A healthy interior design business means lead generation has to be a daily activity. What's your best bet for lead generation? I'll close the mystery gap on this right away: ranking highly in local search.
Ranking well on Google needs to be a top priority for most any small business, especially interior designers.
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Because that's how a large percentage of your ideal clients search for your services. I know many think Instagram is "the thing" when it comes to finding clients, but really it's not.
1) Instagram isn't searchable
2) Your ideal client may not even be on it.
Your ideal client can't open Instagram and search "interior designers in (your location)." Instagram isn't a search engine.
If they're even on Instagram to begin with. Many are not.
The Little Design Corner posted the results of a survey done in a FB group asking where designers find their clients. Here are the results from 134 respondents:
There was surprise expressed that SEO outranked Instagram. I wasn't surprised at all.
It goes back to getting inside the head of your Ideal Client. Where do they hang out?
Think about it.
Interior design is a luxury business, so your clients are financially successful people who are BUSY. Their time is valuable, so they're discerning about where they spend it.
Many have never even opened Instagram.
Instead, for the service-based designer, I see Instagram mainly as a great way to connect with your community - other designers and potential referral sources like builders and realtors, which can definitely lead to great referrals down the road. This is important.
But for straight-up getting in front of your ideal clients, SEO (search engine optimization) is queen.
If your ideal clients don't already have a referral for a designer, or even if they do, they will still likely want to see what else is out there. The most efficient way to do this is to open Google and type "interior designers + (your location)." or "interior designers near me" etc.
In a nutshell - Google is a search engine, Instagram is not. Every ideal client out there knows and uses Google search. Many ideal clients have never even opened the IG app, much less used it for interior design services.
I didn't intend for this email to turn into an Instagram vs SEO write up, but I do think it's important to think critically about where you're spending your time.
Time spent on new lead generation has to be a consistent, daily activity. What platform is going to give you the most bang for your buck?
If you’re convinced SEO is important for growing your business, here are two of the easiest SEO activities you can do. Check out the posts:
SEO "Low Hanging Fruit" Tip #1
SEO "Low Hanging Fruit" Tip #2
By the way, one of the best ways to build your credibility with ideal clients is to present a polished, professional first impression.
How do you do that? I have a solution: the Interior Design Services Guide:
Flexible layout designed to work no matter what size portfolio you have
Pre-written text, so no copywriting headaches saving you hours of time
Video tutorials for a delivery framework that gets you project info to help your Discovery Calls, and potential clients get their design guide, all automatically
Easy to use Canva template
Where do you find your design clients? Leave a comment below and let me know.
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