4-Step Checklist for a Profitable Website

A pretty website isn’t enough. You need a profitable website.

To make that happen, you need to get clear on the who, what, and why of your site before you design it. This 4-step checklist will get you there.

I rarely comment on blogs, but I thought it is just not fair that you have no “thank yous” here for such great informative content. This is exactly what I have been looking for.

Also, I wanted to complement you on the sleek and uncluttered design of your site. It’s just pleasant to be here.
Build a Service Business Client Pipeline with a Lead Magnet
Tina Flint Huffman Tina Flint Huffman

Build a Service Business Client Pipeline with a Lead Magnet

POP QUIZ: Which interior designer will get more newsletter signups (and ultimately get more clients)? A. The one with a form box that says “Sign up for our great newsletter.” B. The one with a free download addressing a pain-point or interest of their ideal clients that closely aligns with the designer’s main service or product?

If you guessed “B” then you get the gold star! ⭐

Whether you're a fresh face in the interior design world or transitioning from seasoned employee to pioneering business owner, standing out and attracting your ideal clients is a challenge.

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