Most Useful Canva Keyboard Shortcuts

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If you’re an interior designer or content creator of any kind, chances are you use Canva. I know I do. Every day. So for this post, I put together a list of the most useful keyboard shortcuts in Canva.

We wear so many hats as business owners, so designing as efficiently as possible is key. With that in mind, this Canva keyboard shortcut list doesn’t include every. single. shortcut. If you’re like me, when I see a complete list like that, my eyes glaze over and I get lost in all the options.

Instead, I’ve curated a list of Canva keyboard shortcuts I think are the most useful for us designers and content creators, and I’ve categorized them as follows:

Object Formatting
Text Formatting
File Interface

I think the list is most useful this way. Honestly though, this list might also kind of make your eyes glaze over, so I created a Canva Keyboard Shortcuts YouTube video to go along with it.

Also, be sure to get your FREE Canva Keyboard Shortcuts PDF download!


The video shows all of the Canva keyboard shortcuts in action:

OK let’s cut to the chase:

Canva Keyboard Shortcuts for Interior Designers & Content Creators



Add a Circle: Press “C”

Add a Rectangle: Press “R”

Add a Line: Press “L”

Add a Text Box: Press “T”

Duplicate: Ctrl/Cmd + D

Select All Objects: Ctrl/Cmd + A

Resize with same Aspect Ratio: Shift + drag

Add/Remove Selected Elements: Shift + click surrounding objects

Send elements backward: Ctrl/Cmd + [

Send elements forward: Ctrl/Cmd + ]

Send Element to Back: Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Option + [

Send Element to Front: Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Option + ]

Select Behind Element: Ctrl/Cmd + Click

Group Elements: Ctrl/Cmd + G

Ungroup Elements: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + G

Alt-Shift-T (Tidy-Up Feature): Auto-Aligns Objects

Move Element 1 Pixel - use the Arrow keys



Left Align Text: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + L

Center Align Text: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + C

Right Align Text: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + R

Increase font size: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + >

Transform Text to Upper or Lower Case: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + K

Copy Text Style (into another Text Box): Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Option + C

Paste Text Style (into another Text Box): Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Option + V



Zoom In: Ctrl/Cmd + "+"

Zoom Out: Ctrl/Cmd + "-"



Show Rulers: Shift R

Show/Hide Guides: Ctrl/Cmd + ;

Full Screen Mode: Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Option + P

Exit Full Screen Mode: Esc


New to Canva? Canva makes designing fun and easy, and the FREE version is amazing!

There you go - a Canva shortcuts list that will help your workflow go faster. Do you have favorite shortcuts yourself? Please share them down below!

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If you have any questions or comments, please drop me a note below. Be sure to check back for my response (I always respond) since no notification is sent.

Tina Flint Huffman

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