Turn inquiries into clients with the only done-for-you client acquisition tool.
A Design Services Guide is an important first connection with potential clients. It serves as an introduction to your business and is a critical opportunity to present a polished first impression.
I just purchased this guide which is absolute genius by the way!
I have taken a lot from this and I'm very grateful to have found your page and services. Many thanks again.
What if you made a professional first impression before even talking to new inquiries?
All without spending days slogging over marketing materials!
Does any of this sound familiar?
Clients are few, and not always “ideal”
Other designers are booking great clients but you don’t know where to start
You’re posting constantly on Instagram but without much to show for it
You don’t have a big portfolio, and writing definitely isn’t “your thing”
You spend too much time responding to inbox inquiries that go nowhere
It’s time to get OFF the client-finding hamster wheel.
If you’re thinking, “It’s like she’s inside my business!” then you’re in the right place!
You get a new inquiry and you’re relaxed instead of stressed knowing:
You’ve made a professional, polished first impression, without lifting a finger.
There’s no follow-up stress because your inquiry has immediate access to your Design Services Guide.
Your Discovery Call is dialed in because your potential client is pre-qualified and you know your talking points.
“But I’m not sure about using a template system” you say…
I don’t have a big portfolio - will this template work for me?
Writing is not my cup of tea - I don’t know what to say.
If I don’t “get” the automation part, can I get support?
How do I know this isn’t another *fluff* template that looks pretty but isn’t very helpful?
That’s why the Design Services Guide is different. It’s a done-for-you client acquisition template + automated system!
The only done-for-you client acquisition template & automated inquiry system
More project leads
More Discovery Call bookings
More productive Discovery Calls
NOT just another pretty template!
Get quality leads on auto-pilot so you can spend more time working for clients instead of finding clients.
Honestly there were some great pieces of advice to show different ways of doing things in the videos that came with the guide.
It helped me figure out how I wanted to get clients to book in discovery calls and also get the design guide too. It's always interesting seeing how different designers work - we all have our own way!
I also loved the way the design guide made my work look. I think it's really easy to follow for clients and looks fab.
A really good first impression for potential clients.
Definitely appropriate for an upscale business.
I really like the look of the template. It is modern, elegant, and sophisticated.
This is the best purchase you can make as a new small business!
I was able to create several PDFs from the sample template. (Design Services Guide, Investment Guide, etc.) The guide was nicely laid out and I thought the colors were perfect for my brand. And the price was right!
First, customize your guide with:
Pre-written copy covering Design Services, Project Phases, Welcome and Closing Letters, and more.
Grow-with-you layout includes alternate versions for large-scale imagery and small or no imagery for select pages.
Video tutorials, demo website pages, and helpful downloads to show you how to set up and automate your guide.
Plus it’s a Canva template, so it’s simple and easy to use.
Finished customizing? It’s go time!
On your website:
Set up your guide so it pre-qualifies your inquiries for you! Quickly screen out projects that don’t meet your parameters before spending time on a Discovery Call.
Automate so your prospective clients can access your guide with a click of a button and schedule their Discovery Call.
My video tutorials and helpful downloads will show you how.
Prefer to send via email?
Simply attach the guide as a PDF in your email follow-up.
It’s a Win - Win!
✔ Potential clients will get a polished introduction to your business without you lifting a finger.
✔ Scheduling a Discovery Call will be a no-brainer, and you’ll be on your way to client-booking success!
THIS done-for-you template system includes:
2x Cover page options
2x Welcome page layouts with done-for-you-copy
2x Table of Contents layouts
Who We Are/Mission Statement with done-for-you-copy
3x Section dividers featuring image layouts
About page (+ About Page how-to blog post)
Meet the Team page
Design Services section with done-for-you-copy plus tips/suggestions
Project Phases section with done-for-you-copy
Pricing + Rates page with done-for-you-copy
3x Portfolio page options
2x Client Testimonials page options
3x Next Steps pages with done-for-you-copy
2x Contact Us pages
Closing image page
PLUS it also includes:
Video instructions on how to gather information from prospective clients, automate access to your guide, and even automate Discovery Call scheduling if you use a scheduler.
I walk you through how to use the template, customize it, and use Canva efficiently.
A comprehensive list of questions to learn your client’s priorities and project scope. Use for Contact page forms, questionnaires, Discovery Calls, and Initial Consults.
My most helpful shortcuts for using Canva.
See for yourself
one time offer:
What’s included:
Done-for-you copy throughout
Flexible grow-with-you page layouts + portfolio
31 page Canva template
Comprehensive Client Questionnaire for contact pages, Discovery Calls, & initial consults
Video instruction on how to automate and elevate your client experience & inquiry process
Video instruction on how to customize the template and use Canva efficiently.
Canva keyboard shortcuts download
All for only $67 through this one-time offer.
The competition is priced at $150 to $350 without nearly the same value. Please do compare!
I'm Tina, a landscape designer turned designer's designer.
While working for landscape architects over a number of years, I got to see up close how they run their businesses.
I quickly realized that given equally talented and hardworking designers, it’s the marketing strategy and underlying systems that will make or break a business.
My goal with the Design Services Guide is for you to attract quality leads and book more high-converting Discovery Calls with less time, so you can focus on designing for your clients.
Attract ideal clients, pre-qualify leads, and book more Discovery Calls…all for less than the cost of a night out!
I get it! Design is a time-consuming field, and finding a little bit more of it can seem hard.
But here’s the hard truth: If you don’t make time to attract those ideal clients, you won’t have design projects to work on for long.
The beauty is, this guide is so efficient! It’s done-for-you, and once you’ve set it up, it’s on autopilot! It will help bring qualified clients into your business for years to come.
Whether you’re a seasoned designer who’s worked as an employee or you’re a newer designer, I feel you because I’ve been there too. That’s why this is the perfect template for you.
Why? Because it meets you where you are.
The Design Services Guide has layout options that grow-with-you. Several pages have alternate layouts - so you can choose to include imagery or not. Portfolio pages can be scaled back or eliminated until you do have more photos.
So either way, you’re quickly able to present a polished, professional first impression.
I’ve provided copy for EVERY SECTION except for the About/Team pages and Portfolio pages, since that can only come from you. You will need to tweak the copy to suit your own business of course, but I’ve done A LOT of the heavy lifting for you already.
That depends on how custom you want to make it. If you use most of my done-for-you copy, you’ll mainly have to write your own About/Team page and fill in other details specific to your business and process, plus your brand imagery, logos, fonts, and colors.
With this in mind, I recommend you set aside about four hours to customize the template and set up your inquiry process.
Immediately after purchase, you’ll receive an email with a PDF containing a link to your Canva template. The first page of the Canva template will contain further instructions and links.
All you need is a free Canva subscription.
If you want to automate your Discovery Call scheduling, you’ll need a scheduler like Acuity or Calendly.
I’m known for my quick, hands-on support. If you need help, I’m here for you! Just email hello@scaledupstudio.com with any questions and I’ll take care of you.
The Interior Design Services Guide Template is intended for unlimited use by one person (the purchaser). Template purchase grants you one non-transferable, non-sublicensable, and non-exclusive license to use the template. You as the purchaser understand and agree that you may not share, duplicate, resell, redistribute, create derivative works of, offer for free, or display publicly any of the template’s content.
Due to the digital nature of this product, once a purchase has been made, it cannot be returned or exchanged. Please be sure to review the template features, FAQs, and requirements prior to purchasing. If you have any questions, please contact me at hello@scaledupstudio.com before you purchase.