Newsletter - April 5th, 2023

How to design a client-winning homepage + more A.I. thoughts

Written by Tina Huffman

I have a couple of things for you this week - a new blog post to help out with your website homepage, and a discussion about its origins. Check out both.

I have to say, it's taking a lot to keep myself from going down a real A.I. rabbit hole. The more I learn, the more applications and implications there are for A.I. I have no idea how it will "shake out" - no one does of course, but learning about what it can already do and what may be coming is pretty fascinating.

I'm someone who's usually pretty good about embracing change (well...usually anyways) and I'm definitely intrigued by what's different, but I'm not saying we all need to embrace A.I. by any means. I do think it's a good idea to at least scratch the surface of what it's all about so you're better prepared to take advantage ways AI. can help you out in business and life.

Here's a podcast episode in case you're interested in a birds-eye exploration.

#1 - New blog post: How to Design a Client-Winning Interior Design Homepage

If we think of a website as a house, then your homepage is the foyer or entry hall. It's often the first thing visitors see. You want to warmly welcome them and convince them to stay for a while, but you also want to direct your visitors into another room pretty quickly. A skillfully structured homepage does just that!

Read The Post

#2 - New blog post was initially written via A.I.

Yep it's true. My initial draft for this came from a 1,000 plus word blog post generated by Writesonic.

My query: "how to structure a website homepage for conversions"

I chose Writesonic's Article Writer template which then took me through a step-by-step process resulting in a 1,000 word plus blog post. It was very generic and geared toward any business, so I re-wrote it tailoring it to interior designers.

I would guess there are no more than 4 to 5 sentences original to the Writesonic version. It still took me hours to complete. But it did serve as a prompt to get me going.

It was an interesting exercise to say the least. I definitely plan to explore A.I.'s implications further as it relates to the home design field. Content marketing is one thing but I really want to check out what's coming down the pipeline in terms of rendering.

[You can also check out my first experiment with ChatGPT - either on Instagram or the blog.]

If this is a topic of interest to you, please send me a REPLY and let me know your thoughts. As always, you can send me your thoughts on any other subject as well!

​Cheers, Tina​

Designer at Scaled Up Studio


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